2023 Skyfarm Harvest Feast
October 19, 2023 @ 6:00PM — 9:00PM Central Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar
Blackwood Skyfarm at POST Houston: 401 Franklin St Rooftop Houston, TX 77201 Get Directions

Celebrating the wonder of urban regenerative agriculture!
Blackwood Educational Land Institute presents our second annual fundraising feast among the stars. We will celebrate our first full year of growth and education on the wonder of urban, regenerative agriculture at the Skyfarm. This unforgettable seasonal four-course meal by an all-star, all-women lineup of local chefs will raise vital funds for our next impactful year. Please join us.
- Navigated four challenging growing seasons to have greater production than ever before,
- Piloted an educational program with Harris County Juvenile Probation Department,
- Launched two weekly Open Farm Days with free food lessons and a HOU-Pick community harvest,
- Installed interpretive signage directing visitors to a free, public educational portal, and
- Welcomed hundreds more Houstonians to the Skyfarm for educational tours and community service opportunities.
If paying with a credit card, please consider donating the processing fees so that we can maximize the impact of your gift. If you wish to pay by check or ACH, please contact us at info@blackwoodland.org and we will send you an invoice.